Ask An Autism Mom - Weekly Facebook Live Show
Posted by Bogdan Lupu

As we here at LakiKid continue striving to provide support to fellow members of the autism community, we are proud to bring you a weekly live show. “Ask An Autism Mom” airs every Monday at 1 p.m. EST, 10 a.m. PST.
“Ask An Autism Mom” is an interactive live show, which takes place on Facebook. The show is hosted by LakiKid team member, Jenn, 35-year-old mother of two. Jenn’s daughter, Ryley, now 6, was diagnosed with autism at the age of 4. When you stop by the show to have your questions answered, you can be sure that Jenn is a fellow member of the community, speaking from her own experiences. Not knowing where to turn after Ryley was first diagnosed, she is here to help ensure other families know they aren’t alone.
While part of “Ask An Autism Mom” is about answering your questions, the show features quite a bit more as well. For starters, each week is dedicated to a different topic. In recent weeks, Jenn has discussed topics such as picky eaters and meltdowns. If you missed those episodes, don’t worry! You can check out these past blog posts discussing tips for picky eaters and avoiding meltdowns while shopping.
In situations such as a meltdown, there are always unique preventative and reactionary measures which can be taken to help calm your child. That being said, we always highly recommend the use of fidget toys and weighted items, based on what’s worked in our own personal experiences. Jenn offers quick product demos for some of these helpful items, such as our popular Inflatable Sensory Wiggle Seat or Weighted Lap Pad with warming and cooling features. The Wiggle Seat is great for providing sensory input and keeping an active child seated, while the Weighted Lap Pad can help calm your child if they begin to feel overwhelmed.
We won’t just be demonstrating these products for you though. We’ll be giving them away too. Stopping by the live show and engaging in the discussion puts you in the running for an instant giveaway of some of these items. Jenn typically has a few items to give away to audience members during each show. On top of instant giveaways, she will be announcing the winners of our monthly giveaways and any other special promotions we are offering at the time.
Tuning in to “Ask An Autism Mom” is a great way to keep up-to-date with all the latest LakiKid news and announcements as well. Whether it’s a new product launch, partnership or campaign we’re setting off, you can expect to hear about it on Mondays. We recently announced a new partnership with KultureCity, in which we are donating one percent of our sales to the organization. Jenn will keep you informed of this news and more, so you always know what to expect from us!
Finally, what kind of interactive, live show would it be without covering some FAQs for you? Jenn covers FAQs related to the weekly topic, as well as questions from you, the viewer.
Be sure to tune in every Monday to ask questions, catch all the latest news, win prizes and more! As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. We love to hear from you!
Every kid brings good luck.