“Sensory Fitness Live” is an interactive Facebook live show initiated by LakiKid and Sensory Fitness. The show offers educational videos geared for parents to gain a deep insight into children’s behaviors, strategies to use at home, and specific activities to connect challenges with solutions.
Meet Our Host
Matt Sloan, founder of Sensory Fitness. As an occupational therapy assistant, personal trainer, and special education teacher Matt Sloan has directed his experience into specialized fitness programs for everyone while catering to sensory difficulties, neurodiversity, or any special need. Matt also brings sensory education and strategies to educators, parents, fitness professionals, and anyone working with a sensory difficulties to provide sensory strategies, create sensory friendly environments, and promote the importance of movement in learning and everyday activities.
Featured Episodes
EP. 01 - Calm Down Activities for Kids
How are you and your kids coping with this corona virus crisis? Since kids must stay home, it must be difficult for them to adapt to these changes. Watch to learn about activities kids can do at home!
EP. 06 - Core Is Key!
Core - It's a foundation that's so important that we focus on developing. A strong core enables our children to function at the top of their game at all times!
Do you sometimes struggle to get your kids to “wake up” and be mentally ready for schoolwork, or chores, or anything constructive?
Why are tactile activities important? What if my kid hates touching stuff? What if I hate making a mess around my house!? Let's get into the tactile system and some fun stuff to do with your kiddo at home with and without making a mess!
EP. 03 - Developing Your Child's Coordination
Using both sides of the body, coordinating the hands and feet, and crossing midline are all things that not only help motor skills but improve focus, attention, and even regulation.
What is the vestibular system and why is it so important? We dive deep into this system as well as show some activities to help get that vestibular input at home.
EP. 01 - Calm Down Activities for Kids
How are you and your kids coping with this corona virus crisis? Since kids must stay home, it must be difficult for them to adapt to these changes. Watch to learn about activities kids can do at home!
Why People Love It
"Sensory Fitness has been a key asset in our family's journey through ASD, I don't know where we'd be without Matt. He is patient, encouraging, knowledgeable and an inspiration."
Hernandez Family
"I give them more then 5.
The team have be so outstanding so helpful they been come a part of my family. They even keep up and message you day later to see if everything going good the have done wounded for our family over the year I tell everyone."
Jess W.
"LakiKid is more than just a company selling products but a brand that is standing for something and making a changing and bringing awareness to Autism. I love that they offer a community for parents and families of autistic children. They stand behind their products and their mission."
Kathlenn H.
"Such amazing support, ideas and a general place to ask the questions I don’t have answers to! I love that my advice is valued and I can learn daily from others! Thank you LakiKid!"
Deena P.
"Matt is an exceptional trainer with a detailed understanding of balanced body training and designing functional workouts for sport and work specific applications."
"Good advice and wonderful products it helps knowing I’m not alone."
Kelly B.
What are the ways to participate?
There are 2 easy ways to participate in the "Sensory Fitness Live":
1) Join the Facebook live show every Tuesday at 4PM PST.
2) Watch replays of all the previous episodes on our YouTube channel.
How to watch Facebook live show?
The best way to watch our live show is to go directly to our main Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/LakiKidSensory). Press "Following", so you get a notification when we go on air! If you don't see the video at the time of the event, please refresh the page.