
Benefits Of Flexible Seating

Posted by Jenn Eggert

Benefits Of Flexible Seating

Benefits of Flexible Seating

We all have moments where we look at our kids and say how can you have so much energy. Children in general have a lot of energy. Trust me there are days I wish I could steal some of it.

Harnessing the energy especially during times they need to sit and focus can be very difficult. Class work can be very difficult. But admit it even we, adults, struggle to sit and focus at times.

Flexible or active seating is designed to really focus on this issue.

Flexible seating allows the child to have some control and movement during times they need to focus. Flexible seating is simply giving the person seating options. These options can be as simple as a carpet square, a LakiKid Wiggle Seat, Fidget Band or Ball Chair. The whole goal is to allow them the freedom to choose and move while still doing their work, sitting in class, at an appointment, during homework, or during meals.

The idea behind flexible seating is to move from traditional sitting at a desk, to having options. In a classroom we've seen stools, bean bag chairs, rocking chairs, barstools, fidget bands, wobble chairs, wiggle seats, and more

Think about it. Most bodies have a constant need to move. So by harnessing that need by using flexible seating we allow them to be more productive, and less disruptive.

5 Benefits of Flexible Seating

  1. Choice. It allows children control and choice over where they work which allows them to focus better and they tend to work harder.
  2. Movement. Everyone needs to move. When we force people not to move and they become distracted and can be a disruptive to others. So allowing them to move it will really benefits them.
  3. Comfort. Traditional seating may be uncomfortable making him distracted and unproductive. By allowing flexible seating they can become calm focused and productive.
  4. Allowing them to work together. Students learn better when they work together. With flexible seating they're able to work in groups or pairs.
  5. Sensory input. With flexible seating, they can move and receive as much or as little sensory input as they need it can also change from a ton of input to very little or vice versa very quickly.

Flexible seating or active seating may be a new concept but it's definitely one that will help your child to be more focused and productive. Ready to give it a try? If you have any questions regarding active or flexible seating visit and leave us a comment with your question and we will try to answer them in one of the upcoming ‘Ask an Autism Mom’ Facebook Live show.

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