
Harnessing the Power of Glimmers: Finding Calm Amidst Triggers

Posted by Dorothy V.

Harnessing the Power of Glimmers: Finding Calm Amidst Triggers

Triggers are cues that signal potential threats and elicit feelings of anxiety and withdrawal, particularly among individuals on the autism spectrum.


While triggers can cause meltdowns, it is essential to explore the opposite side of the coin—the glimmers.

Glimmers are activities or experiences that bring comfort, calmness, and a sense of well-being.

In this blog post, we delve into the concept of glimmers and their significance in managing triggers.

Joining us in this discussion are Jason Sieh, CEO of Lakikid and father of an autistic genius, and Parker Lynch, founder of Hedgehog Health and advocate for ADHD awareness.


Understanding Triggers:

Triggers are personal and can vary from person to person. Jason shares his experience of social anxiety disorder, which is triggered by large crowds and important conversations. Parker highlights the stress caused by deadlines and the pressure to perform. Similarly, the viewers' comments reveal triggers such as loud noises, certain animals, and conflicts. These triggers elicit strong emotional responses and activate fight-or-flight instincts.

Personal Nature of Triggers

  • Triggers are highly individualized; what triggers one person may not affect another in the same way.

  • Personal experiences, past traumas, and individual sensitivities contribute to the formation of triggers.

Examples of Triggers:


  1. Social Anxiety Disorder

    • Jason's Experiences

    • Large Crowds: Being in crowded places can make Jason feel overwhelmed, leading to feelings of panic and unease.

    • Important Conversations: Engaging in significant discussions or confrontations can heighten his anxiety levels.

  2. Work-Related Stress

    • Parker's Experience

    • Deadlines: The pressure of looming deadlines can induce stress and anxiety for Parker, affecting his performance and well-being.

    • Performance Expectations: The expectation to excel and meet high standards can be a significant trigger for stress

  1. Environmental Triggers

    • Loud Noises: Sudden loud noises, such as fireworks or alarms, can startle and distress some individuals.

    • Certain Animals: Some people may experience anxiety or fear around specific animals, like dogs or spiders, due to past experiences or phobias.

    • Conflicts: Witnessing or being involved in conflicts can trigger emotional distress and feelings of insecurity.

Exploring Glimmers:

Glimmers, on the other hand, serve as antidotes to triggers. They are personal experiences that bring solace and a sense of grounding. Parker discusses how fidgeting helps him focus better, while Jason finds solace in activities like gardening and being in the sun. Glimmers vary from person to person, and it is important to identify the activities that induce a positive emotional response.

Importance of Identifying Glimmers


  • Enhancing Emotional Well-being:

    • Recognizing and embracing glimmers can boost emotional resilience and enhance overall well-being.

  • Managing Triggers:

    • Incorporating glimmers into daily routines can help individuals manage triggers more effectively by providing a healthy coping mechanism.

  • Promoting Self-Care:

    • Prioritizing activities that serve as glimmers promotes self-care and encourages individuals to nurture their mental and emotional health.


Parker delves deeper into the transformative power of what he terms "glimmers," a concept he draws inspiration from in Tony Robbins' teachings. According to Parker, glimmers serve as potent emotional anchors, linking particular sensory experiences to uplifting emotions or cherished memories. By consciously associating sensory stimuli with positive feelings, individuals can create a reservoir of resources to draw upon during times of stress or adversity.

One effective method to harness the therapeutic potential of glimmers is through aromatherapy. Aromatherapy involves using essential oils derived from plants, such as lavender or peppermint, to evoke specific emotional responses. For instance, the calming scent of lavender has been shown to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, while the invigorating aroma of peppermint can enhance alertness and clarity of mind. By incorporating these scents into daily routines or relaxation practices, individuals can establish powerful positive anchors that can be activated whenever needed.

In addition to aromatherapy, Parker highlights the importance of conditioning oneself through intentional sensory experiences and gestures. By repeatedly engaging in activities that evoke positive emotions, such as listening to uplifting music, practicing deep breathing exercises, or engaging in physical movements like dancing or stretching, individuals can train their minds and bodies to respond positively to these stimuli. Over time, these conditioned responses can become automatic, serving as invaluable tools for managing stress, anxiety, or other challenging emotions.

Ultimately, Parker's insights into the therapeutic potential of glimmers offer a holistic approach to emotional well-being, emphasizing the importance of mindfulness, sensory awareness, and intentional conditioning in cultivating resilience and positivity. By incorporating these practices into daily life, individuals can enhance their emotional agility and empower themselves to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace.


Glimmers in Managing Meltdowns:

For individuals on the autism spectrum, glimmers play a crucial role in preventing meltdowns. They provide a transition from trigger-induced anxiety to a calmer state. By recognizing glimmers, parents and therapists can help children self-regulate and find comfort in moments of distress. Observing glimmers in action, such as a child being captivated by the sound of birds or engaging in Equine Therapy, offers insights into what brings them solace and stability.

Let's delve deeper into how recognizing and understanding glimmers can be instrumental in managing meltdowns for individuals on the autism spectrum.


  The Role of Glimmers in Managing Meltdowns


Glimmers serve as early indicators or warning signs that an individual is moving towards a state of distress or overwhelm. By recognizing these subtle cues, parents, caregivers, and therapists can intervene proactively, helping to de-escalate the situation before it escalates into a full-blown meltdown.

Early Intervention and Prevention

Identifying glimmers allows for early intervention strategies to be implemented. This might involve redirecting the individual's attention to a calming activity or environment, providing sensory tools or techniques to help regulate emotions, or simply offering comforting reassurance. By addressing the underlying triggers or stressors during the early stages, it becomes possible to prevent the escalation of anxiety and distress, thereby reducing the likelihood of a meltdown.


Empowering Self-Regulation

Understanding and recognizing their own glimmers empowers individuals on the autism spectrum to develop self-regulation skills. Over time, with guidance and support, they can learn to identify their own signs of distress and implement coping strategies that help them navigate challenging situations more effectively. This not only builds their confidence but also equips them with valuable skills for managing meltdowns independently.


Building Trust and Connection

By paying close attention to an individual's glimmers, caregivers and therapists can build a deeper sense of trust and connection. This attentive approach demonstrates understanding, empathy, and responsiveness, fostering a supportive environment where the individual feels understood and valued. This, in turn, can help reduce anxiety and increase feelings of safety and security, further contributing to effective meltdown management.


Tailored Interventions

Recognizing the unique glimmers of each individual allows for personalized and tailored interventions. What works as a calming glimmer for one person may not be effective for another. By understanding an individual's specific triggers and calming mechanisms, interventions can be customized to meet their unique needs, ensuring a more effective and holistic approach to managing meltdowns.



Personal Glimmers and Unique Experiences:


The discussion brings attention to personal glimmers. Parker shares his affinity for fidget tools, which aid his concentration. Jason recalls childhood triggers like loud noises and specific animals, which shaped his emotional responses. The blog also explores the author's experience of masking behavior, driven by the need to meet societal expectations. By recognizing personal glimmers, individuals can find solace and stability amidst triggers.

Harnessing Glimmers for Emotional Well-being: A Pathway to Positivity and Motivation


Harnessing the power of glimmers extends far beyond simply managing triggers. These subtle cues can be transformative tools in boosting motivation, enhancing emotional well-being, and fostering a more positive outlook on life. By intentionally integrating glimmers into daily routines, individuals can cultivate resilience, optimism, and a deeper sense of connection with themselves and their surroundings.

The Power of Association

Tony Robbins' approach emphasizes the power of conditioning oneself to associate positive emotions with specific gestures, actions, or sensory experiences. This principle can be applied to harness the potential of glimmers effectively. By consciously linking positive emotions to these moments of brightness and calm, individuals can create a powerful anchor that helps them navigate through challenging times, such as moments of depression, anxiety, or lack of motivation.

Creating a Personalized Toolkit

Identifying and harnessing individual glimmers allows for the creation of a personalized toolkit for emotional well-being. Whether it's the soothing sound of rain, the warmth of a comforting hug, or the tranquility found in nature, these glimmers can be intentionally incorporated into daily rituals and practices. This intentional integration serves as a constant source of inspiration, renewal, and motivation, helping individuals stay grounded and centered amidst life's ups and downs.


Daily Rituals and Practices

Incorporating glimmers into daily routines can be as simple as starting the day with mindfulness meditation focused on a calming visual, taking regular breaks to listen to uplifting music, or ending the day with a gratitude journal reflecting on moments of joy and contentment. These intentional practices help reinforce positive associations, cultivate mindfulness, and nurture emotional resilience.

Community and Support

Sharing and celebrating glimmers within a supportive community can amplify their impact. Whether it's through group activities, workshops, or online forums, connecting with others who appreciate and value these moments of positivity can enhance motivation, foster a sense of belonging, and inspire collective growth and healing.




Harnessing the power of glimmers for emotional well-being offers a holistic approach to self-care and personal growth. By recognizing, embracing, and intentionally integrating these moments of brightness and calm into daily life, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, resilience, and joy. Whether used as tools for managing triggers, boosting motivation, or enhancing overall emotional well-being, glimmers serve as powerful beacons of positivity that guide individuals towards a more balanced and fulfilling life.



Dorothy Vega

Dorothy is a passionate creative writer who writes to create engaging & clear content for different advertising channels, businesses and websites for six years specializing in eCommerce copywriting.

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