
Ask An Autism Mom EP. 50

IEP Organization

( Use of Sensory Strategy in Classroom)

As a parent, you're a huge piece of that puzzle

"If you don't understand something, if you don't agree with something, don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to speak up. It's you, it's your role to kind of ask questions and to clarify whatever you don't understand.

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Episode Highlights:

Matt Solan is with us from Sensory Fitness. He is also a special education teacher for 13 years. Today, Matt will help us break down the IEP process.

  • How to set goals and objectives?
  • What is my role as a part of the IEP team?
  • How should I prepare for the meeting?
  • Do I have to sign the papers right away?
  • What do I do if I do not agree?
  • How do we incorporate sensory related accommodations into the IEP?
  • Types of specific movements are best to help our children?

Questions from the audience (30:11)

  • What is the best way to coordinate the IEP goal with the goals of all other therapies that the child is doing?


Speaker 1: Hi everyone and welcome to ask an autism mom with Jenn Eggert of L . You can join me every Monday to learn tips, share your insights and meet other parents. Today I'm going to be talking with Matt. He's been on the show. This is I think our third time, third time. Um, Matt as you all know is an OT but he is also a former special education teacher. So today he's going to help walk us through a little bit of IEP information because I know many of us are starting the IEP process for next year. So let's get ahead of the game and know our information. We should know for IEP now that way we are prepared. If you know someone who could use this information or tips, please tag them in the comments below or share on your timeline now. And you know that I appreciate every like share, tag, comment, everything. It means the world to us as a company and it shows that we are actually helping people. I especially want to thank Matt for coming. He's had a rough couple of days and he is here

Speaker 1: so thank you Matt. No problem. Happy to be here. Now I want to welcome those of you watching on Facebook or listening to the podcast on youtube or if you want to get alerts to join us live and ask questions. Like is it Live. I want to welcome everyone for coming today. Melinda, good morning. I know you were excited about this when Melinda last night. Hi Melissa. Welcome to everyone else viewing. Um, as you know we have a Matt joining us who is a former special education teacher and now an OT so he has tons of valuable information and experience. We are going to be discussing IEP's . can't wait to dig into this topic with you today, but first a huge shout out to our sponsors. As you know, our sponsors lakikid .com and actually get to show you one of our newest products, the Write in Chill. This is a lap pad that you can actually write with the water pen. There's a fun little water pen. It's refillable and once it dries, the color goes away. Now please watch till the end of the show, I will be making an announcement about this lap pad at the end of the show. Hi Jason. Good morning. Good morning, Angela. I know you're, we're going to be here. You never miss a show unless you're in training.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: So if you're just joining us, you're listening to ask an autism mom. And today I am talking with Matt who is an OT and owner of sensory fitness, which is not what you would think. When you think sensory fitness. A lot of people think it's a good workout gym. It is actually not mad. You want to just give us a quick explanation on what sensory fitness is to you

Speaker 2: Sure. Sensory fitness as a program. I started a little over a year ago. Uh, and it's, it's fitness for kids with neuro diversity's. Um, I do one on one classes. I do, sorry, I do one on one sessions. I do group classes and we work on, you know, we work on, on fitness, but we're working on specific movements uh, easily. I take a lot of what I'm doing as a Cota, as an occupational therapy assistant and where I specialized in sensory integration and I implemented a lot of this stuff I'm doing in the clinic and stuff like that into the, into a gym setting or um, uh, an outdoor park setting and we work a lot on sensory motor piece on bilateral coordination course drink, um, perceptual motor, that kind of stuff with taking into account all the sensory issues a kid might struggle with as well. I do workshops to help with that, to teach classes and a and fitness instructors as well.

Speaker 1: So you really believe in the theory of a sensory diet

Speaker 2: Yes, absolutely. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Someday I want to get you on the show to talk about sensory diet because I know a lot of people are dying to hear what a sensory diet means and how it can be effective.

Speaker 2: Yeah, love to.

Speaker 1: Now today we're going to be discussing IEP. Now, the first question that so many parents ask is, how do you set goals and objectives

Speaker 2: Uh, well, okay, so there, um, so just to remind her that I was a special teacher for about 13 years and it's been five years since I've been practicing teaching in the classroom and being a special ed teacher. So some of the, a lot of the laws change, the formats change, these kinds of things has changed. So if I, I might be a little rusty on a couple of things, but for the most part the questions that you're asking me, you should still apply. So, but if I am wrong, I do apologize for any of this stuff, but, um, um, so when considering goals, they don't really write quick Japanese anymore. It's, it's more, it's just a broad goals and it's a smaller goals. That's kind of how it's set up. But, um, you as a parent, it wouldn't be responsible for providing the goals, but you definitely see that input on the goals that are written. I always suggest to parents that to have, um, to have a copy of the IEP before coming into the meeting, especially the goals and the accommodations and modifications, that kind of stuff. Um, just to have a sense of what were the teachers and the, and the educators and the caseworkers are coming from. Um,

Speaker 2: but the goals will be written around education, around the school setting. Some kids don't always have, uh, some kids might have some life school goals kind of going that direction, but it's still the, the goals will be written around that in kind of a, in a school setting. Um, yeah, definitely have a rough draft to be sent to the, to the parents before, before the meeting from the caseworker or the parent or the teacher. Um, and there's nothing wrong with parents bringing their own goals as well. You know, they don't have to be written perfectly. They just have an idea and the actual words, nothing of that. Well, you can do with the team, but it's not a bad idea to have. Uh, it's, you're the one with the child, but most of the time you're the primary caregiver and you know your kid better than most.

Speaker 2: Um, so it have something that you think is important to work on and talk about what the team and what you can all agree on that or, or not. But um, to bring it to the IEP meeting as well and goals should be written, um, where the kid's struggling the most and where it affects them in school and they shouldn't be smart. Smart goals. The s m a r t is an acronym and it stands for, um, specific, the goal should be written specific, uh, like not, not a, just a broad like a Johnny will do better in math. It has to be specific. What, what's the goal and how do you actually get to complete that goal Um, it should be measurable, meaning, you know, you should be able to measure that goal to be observable. Um, excuse me. She'd be measurable. I'm not just kind of Willy Nilly sees to be able to measure the goal in some way.

Speaker 2: It should be achievable, which meaning realistic, not something unattainable that, that you and the team decided that it can, can, can actually achieve. Um, it should be, uh, this was our result, results oriented. So I based on data, not just again, not just like, oh I think, um, I think he's doing well on that. Or No, you said of data to backup, why the kid needs to work on that goal. Um, the track, the goal data on that goal and then, and then when you go back to look at it, here's the data and everything that fits into following. If a kid has had any progress and then tea, tea, time bound. So I'm making sure that there's some sort of restriction on three months, six months, a year. Um, were again, it kind of goes back into a measurable piece as well. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Now, I just want to say when he's explaining about the measurable Riley's main goal for four years was she didn't know how to raise her hand. She did not understand the concept of you raise your hand. So that was always a goal and it was very specific to raise her hand. And one year it was, we expected her to raise her hand 30% of the time. That was her first year's goal.

Speaker 5: Okay.

Speaker 1: And

Speaker 2: every year we would increase the increment. Um, her last IEP meeting two weeks ago, she is now hand raising 100% of the time. So if you write a goal that is specific and you make it obtainable, and I think Matt, you'll agree that if it's not obtainable, why are you putting it in there

Speaker 4: Correct. Yeah. And it has to be achievable. Yeah.

Speaker 2: So we made it small. We expected her in four k 30% of the time. Five K, I think it went up to like 45 kindergarten. She got a blast. It went up to 60. And then in first grade we decided on 80 and she actually surpassed us. And that goal is now gone because she has it under control. Great. I mean she's a typical first grader. Yes. She forgets sometimes, but on the measured, the teacher keeping track was saying that she loses, she forgets his vote as much as every other child. And you have to, you have to also remember parents that they are children. They are not perfect. They are not robots. They're not going to get these perfect. I've seen parents say well their IEP goal is this, they should have it in this many months. It's not always possible. It does take extra time for some kids. No Matt what is my role as the parent in an IEP meeting

Speaker 5: Well,

Speaker 4: so your role is uh, sorry. So I'm in bed. I have re discover coming a hip surgery. So I'm in bed at the moment. I have to adjust every once in a while. Um, so your role is, your role as a parent in the IEP team is, is it, it's you're an intricate member of the IEP team, if not most important member of the IEP team. Again, you are with the kid, you know your kid the best. Um

Speaker 5: hmm.

Speaker 4: You have his justice went to say. Is anyone else in that, in that team when you walk into that room and sometimes it can be a little intimidating. I remember as a teacher, sometimes even the way the meeting is set up, uh, where there's like a row of teachers or administrators or educators and then there's the parent and the teacher kind of facing everybody's, it's kind of weird sometimes it's the way it's set up is strange. It can be intimidating, no more like that. Some of them can be.

Speaker 5: MMM.

Speaker 4: Uh, but I feel sometimes parents go lack of a better term. You feel like they get rolled over or just they're giving them a whole bunch of information at once and sometimes people just check out like, wow, this is a lot. I don't even know what you're talking about. You're using huge words. You're moving way too fast. I'm not even sure what, what exactly we're talking about. Well, it just remember as a parent you're just, or you're a part of that IEP team and if it's not possible without you, there you, you are a huge piece of that puzzle.

Speaker 4: That being said, you know, you, you have a say with whatever happens in that meeting, whatever it goes into that IEP. Um, of course listen, you know, taking into account the teachers and the therapists and the, uh, the caseworkers and all the educators involved in your kid taking their council, taking their advice, their, they're the professionals they see they're going to see your kid in a, in a different angle, in a different light than you do. And they seem in different settings. So taken to what they're saying to account because they're what they saying salad. But at the same time, if you don't understand something, if you don't agree with something, don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to speak up. It's you, it's your role to kind of ask questions and to clarify whatever you don't understand. And whenever you, uh, even if you don't agree with something, you were excuse, you know, speak up. It's, it's, uh, it can be intimidating, but this, you have every right to do so and every, every right to know what exactly is going on in that meeting and going into that IEP.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 2: Now I'm pairtaining to that. I know for myself it's intimidating, like you said, the setup. And I always make sure when we set it up, I have a picture of Riley on the table. That way everyone knows exactly who we're talking about. I went to one meeting where the teacher started talking about another student accidentally from then on that taught me a lesson, make sure they know it's my child and who she is.

Speaker 4: Yeah , that can happen. Absolutely. And you know, it can see bed it same time being a teacher, you there, we're especially special ed teacher. You are overwhelmed a lot of times it's really, you should definitely know what kid you're talking about in the IEP and that's Kinda, that's Kinda nuts. But um, but yeah, having the, keeping the focus on the kid and if the child's not there, that's a great idea. Bring a picture of your child. Um, and we're always bringing it back to your kid because sometimes you can kind of branch off into other conversations that, that's a great idea.

Speaker 2: And I know at our school, and it's something that I actually love our principal or assistant principals sit in on every IEP meeting. In our case we've had problems with the school. So our principal said sane because she knows Riley's case the best. And I love how she sets up the table because she commands that table and she always makes sure she sits beside the parent.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 2: And that way she says, well let me see your notes. And she looks over my notes and she goes, oh, we forgot this one. Or she'll actually write notes for me on my paper to help me. So having a great team really helps. And it's, I mean it makes a big difference. Now Matt, if I don't agree with, or sorry, do I have to sign the papers right away Say in my case, my husband works full time outside of the home. He can't make it to the meeting. I want to show him our IEP goals. Do I have that right to, to not sign Yes,

Speaker 4: you. Yeah, it's a, it's a contract. So, you know, if you're going for a job and you get the contract and there's something within that job in the contract, are you going to agree with, you don't have to sign it. It's a, it's a legal document. So if there's something you don't understand or something you want more clarification on it, some of you even disagree with work it out before you sign that paper. Um, yeah, I don't getting into the legal stuff, you know, that's, I don't remember that much of it and this is not my strength of it. But yeah, it, yeah, if there's something, anything about that you, you want more, you want more information about and it just doesn't feel right. Yeah. Don't, don't sign it yet. Um, make sure you have full understanding full. Um, you all agree on what's best for your kid to move on before you sign that paper.

Speaker 2: Now how should I prepare for the IEP meeting

Speaker 4: Well, it's always good. I, you know, it's great that if the teacher or the caseworker send you a copy of the IEP. Um, and you know, even when I was at,

Speaker 1: yeah,

Speaker 4: teacher, I would send them out, I would send them the entire document, but I would highlight kind of the important parts and so much involved in Iep, it gets a one, but I was going to highlight the parts that I would want them to focus on more. So the goals, uh, present levels of performance, um, which is how your kid's doing thus far. The goals and any progress on those goals that they've already had. And then, um, any accommodations and modifications, uh, plus a couple of things. But those are the ones that we're not talking about. So having a copy of the IEP is great if the teacher, if it's getting close and you don't have one that you, you can request Linda. Hey, can you send me a copy along with my rights Easy. You get a copy of the parents' rights that should come in the mail.

Speaker 4: Uh, I think it has to be a physical copy. Anyone sweet. Yes. Um, but yeah, you usually get a copy of that. So yeah, send me a copy of the IEP. Please have quest go over it. You know, if you're stressed for time, do your best. What have some questions ready Alright. Highlight some of the thing you don't understand. Um, I, like I said, no the present levels, like how is your kid doing so far and definitely know the combinations in the modifications have been implemented. Okay. So here's a list of accommodations and my kid's supposed to have, have you been using those How have you been using this Cause that's, that's important. Um, so you're in the loop about how those will work. If you don't get knocked cutting constant updates and this is the one time you have connection with everybody in the IEP team. This is a great chance. Okay. So these are the combinations we talked about last meeting. How are they working Do they do, you can change that kind of stuff.

Speaker 2: Now I just want to say when it comes to that as well, um, I tend to ask for major evaluations to be sent home to me a week or so before the IEP meeting. So I can see any physical deficits in where she's advanced. Having the evaluations and actually looking them over makes me feel more confident going into the meeting because I have a better idea of what the teacher is actually seeing.

Speaker 4: Great.

Speaker 2: Now, what happens if I do not agree and I know we have a question coming up at the end of the show, I'm going to kind of throw it into this one as well, Matt. Um, what happens if we don't agree with the IEP We have one parent who's actually going through an IEP process with her child and the special education director will not listen to the parents and the teachers and they're trying to force a child who is probably seven year old level to go to high school.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 4: Seven year old level.

Speaker 2: He's probably at the level of a seven year old. I um, I'm not going to call her out, but she knows who I'm talking about. She's a dear friend. Please. If I'm correct with the WHO I'm talking about umh, just say yes, but he's about seven year old level and they're trying to force them into high school.

Speaker 4: Well, if there's any discrepancy within the team and you're doing all agree, you don't have to, again, you don't have to sign the document and agree and if the documents that are not signed in the Iep won't be implemented and therefore, you know, it gets an illegal stuff. Uh, if we could as an IEP and the time is up that it's do that IEP has to be ready to go. So you need to come with, this is a timeframe I forget, but yeah, no, you all have to agree to some terms and uh, yeah, it's hard for me to speak as if someone in the team is not allowing,

Speaker 1: uh,

Speaker 4: or not listening to anyone else in the team. You can probably take some noodle accidents that, that's a question. My wife's, the principal sees specialized in special education now with everyone I'd ask her.

Speaker 2: She just confirmed that his brain levels, he showed the doctors say that he's in the brain level of a six to seven year old.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 4: Oh, okay. And they want an end to go to high school

Speaker 2: and they want him to go to high school.

Speaker 4: Well, I mean there's probably a lot of factors involved, but again, if there's members on the team that don't agree, then you need to come to some sort of agreement before, before anything else happens. Um, yeah, you can think of legal acts in the as well is again, you are a part of that, a part of that team. There's no one driving force member on that IEP team that kind of calls the shots. It's a group effort.

Speaker 2: Now how do we incorporate sensory related accommodations into our I. E. P. Oh,

Speaker 4: well I can talk all day about this is your fun part. This is what you love. Um, um, so I, I like talking about this because I feel like, uh, so let's just say it's safe to say that any kid on the spectrum, it has some sort of sensory difficult. I'm not going to see every kid. Uh, but I'm going to say, I'm going to say it's safe to say that every kid on a spectrum, it has some sort of sensory issue. That being said, if a kid has an IEP, especially on this, on the spectrum, there should be some sort of a sensory assessment given in order to place some accommodations in the classroom setting. Uh, because that's something that you knew you, you in place these accommodations to make, to give that, to give that ramp up the steps, right. It's not something you can teach.

Speaker 4: It's a service you provide to help the kid get to that higher academic level on par with everyone else and his peers what you should be. Right. Um, so first step would be, you know, talking about it with the team and then giving the kid an assessment just to see what I mean by assessing the business sensory processing measure. There's a sensory profile too, and there's a couple of those ones. Those are the two that I like, and they're, they can be given by an OT. You could do it by yourself online just to, just to kind of give yourself an idea, um, about, and what it does is it tells you some of the, some of the sensory systems that would have kid's club was it, so maybe the kid has auditory over stimulation or over visual cause these are really stimulated or she has no body awareness or difficulty with balance.

Speaker 4: All that stuff plays into difficulty with academics. So if I know if I can supply some sort of accommodation, like headphones, it's a weighted vest, um, a quiet place to work. If I know these struggles and I know this will help the kid in the classroom, I'm going to, I'm going to do my best to get that kid the accommodation. Um, a lot of times I'll walk into a, I'll walk into a classroom. Something else I do is I walk into questions and I observe, excuse me, and I help teachers and schools provide sensory strategies in the classroom. So a lot of times I'll see it's, it's kind of aware of academic approach to help kids going to get back on track when it could just be giving them be just a move and movement based strategy or some kind of other sensory base ready to help them kind of get to them more alert level or a place of learning. Um, so sorry, the question was uh, yeah, so giving, giving them some assessments, knowing, knowing what works for your kid a and then also implementing some, some movement strategies in that class. Because I consider that a huge sensory accommodations is actually movement.

Speaker 2: Okay. Now I'm going to switch over to questions from the audience.

Speaker 5: MMM.

Speaker 2: Melissa. Yes, I know you would love it. And I will Melissa, I promise I will schedule a date for a sensory diet show. I Know Matt in his glory once he's back to his healthy cell, would love to come back on and help us with the sensory diet in his, you have your gym in your home where you have all your equipment. I think we could make a really fun show with sensory diet one day.

Speaker 5: Okay.

Speaker 2: And maybe Matt's little boy who is currently watching dinosaur train would be willing to show some movement.

Speaker 4: He would love it

Speaker 2: and I think and that's where our viewers do love it. Matt is, I mean they love to see kids of course especially who doesn't love to see kids being cute and funny.

Speaker 5: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Only in grumpy old people. But um, Jessica says, I just had my meeting last week for my son and I'm okay with the results but they are changing a few things for the next school year and I'll admit I'm a bit nervous, Jessica, we're always a bit nervous when something changes. I think it's just part of being that parent mentality. There's always that little bit of being nervous. I remember when they were pushing us to keep Riley in five k for one more year because they only got her halfway through the year because she was surpassing her friends in four k so they said she'd have to do a year and a half. I was okay with that. My husband went in and said, no, she's going to kindergarten. She is ready. I was terrified. Absolutely terrified. They did all the evaluations and they were shocked. They were not planning on evaluating her, but she passed.

Speaker 2: They put her in kindergarten. We had the wrong teacher. So it took us a couple of months to smooth things out. And once we found the right classroom for her, she grew, she went from barely knowing anything to now being one of the top in her class. And she is in a mainstream class, 20 students, one teacher, and she's one of their best. Um, she's the example that the teacher uses for math all the time because she has these math questions in her head that she can just spit out. It's crazy. She answered 87, like 34 the other day. I'm like, you're seven. I have to think about it for a minute. You're seven. Please don't do that to me. So, Matt, I know you'll probably admit that you've seen parents nervous and your biggest suggestion would be to just give it a chance.

Speaker 3: Uh, yeah. Yeah. Give it a chance. You know Um, there's always an amendment if uh, something is happening in the IEP that you really disagree with what is, it's already in place and things are rolling and you can always amend it. And then the meaning like you can say, Hey, I need to, I would have lived, we would like to change a couple of things. Can we have a meeting and we talk about it and we'd make a change to the IEP. Um, but yeah, it's, you know,

Speaker 3: if again, listen to listen to the advice of the people in the room that also work with your kid a yes, you know best, but they are also looking at your kid in a different angle and you know, you're going to know, you're going to know then you know, you know, the quality of their, uh, workability and, and their knowledge. So if you trust them, trust them and see how it goes. Usually for the most part I, you know, the people that in the room have the best intentions for your kid and they then in conjunction with your thoughts and ideas, you guys usually we all put together a pretty good plan. It doesn't always happen but you know, you give it a shot and hope, hope for the best sometimes. Yeah. Again, if you don't agree with it, you can always call up an amended meeting amendment

Speaker 2: just to let you know, you can ask for a room, a revision or an amendment at any time during the school year. It does not have to be during what they call in our school system, IEP season. You can call us anytime you have a concern. Now Melinda, she's actually one of the ones who taught me this. Melinda says the last IEP, I brought an eight by 10 picture in a frame and place it on the table. And Matt and I were just talking about that. Keeping it centered on the child is key. We have one lady who was in charge of every special education kid in our, um, elementary school, another elementary school. And our middle school, three schools. And she's in charge of all of them. Yeah, that's right. Every IEP. So yes, I keep a picture that way. She knows exactly which child she's talking about and she appreciates it. And I know she really, she says, you know, she's started actually printing out pictures herself of the students so she knows

Speaker 3: that's a really good idea. And it's, yeah, sometimes it again with an educator or a special education teacher, the casework and yeah, you get dumped a lot of cases and it's this, this is, we're all human beings and sometime we just get overwhelmed and we lose track of it. The ball sometimes. And sadly that's just the, this is the reality of it. It's just the way Ed to set up an educational set up. Teachers are overwhelmed. Special Ed teachers or even more of a wellness is one of the reasons I was kind of fun because there's so much, so much to be responsible for. It just get burned out pretty fast. Um, but keeping, keeping the kid focus like your, that's your goal right there. It's just like a visual. It's like you would do anywhere else. Right Like you're keeping her goal posted a picture of the kids in. Awesome idea. I love that idea.

Speaker 2: Now Jason asks, what is the best way to coordinate the IEP goal with the goals of all other therapies that the child is doing

Speaker 5: Okay.

Speaker 3: Well, um, you kind of get into mixed waters here. The IEP is written just for school. Everything. Anything,

Speaker 5: uh,

Speaker 3: revolving around the IEP is an individualized education plan. And the reason the kid has an IEP is because whatever is happening is affecting kids education. Hmm.

Speaker 3: You can be like me as a therapist, getting goals, school goals, some of the school goals is cool to have to see what they're working on in school and maybe I can incorporate that.

Speaker 5: MMM.

Speaker 3: But I wouldn't bring therapy goals into the, into the IEP goals.

Speaker 2: I think Jason is specifically speaking about, I know canno does, um, Aba

Speaker 5: yeah.

Speaker 2: So would you keep ABA in school separate

Speaker 3: You know, I might, I might bring the ABA therapist with me to the IEP meeting because in any, anybody involved in that kid's life, any kind of therapist, ABA, OT, PT anybody involved in a kid coming to the meeting at then you have a bigger picture of the kid and everybody that knows his kids' goals altogether, you can, you can work together to help this kid on many other levels. I wouldn't get into like, oh, he's working in. If I'm in a special ed teacher, I wouldn't be like, oh, and the Aba, this is goal. So I'm gonna incorporate that into my goal. It kind of gets, you know, schools for school, maybe days it's getting to kind of mix the water. So, uh, but having them present at the meeting I think is a great idea.

Speaker 2: Yes. Any CBA in charge of his case does attend his IEP meetings. Cool. Awesome.

Speaker 5: Awesome.

Speaker 2: Now, Melissa, I'm going to your question. I would, because your son is young. You want human four K,I would go to the local preschool. Um, I know here when they evaluate a child for preschool, they go through the normal evaluation and my process was I had to fill out forms for the normal evaluation and it came to does your child have a diagnosis or has your child ever received early intervention Once I've checked that box, they immediately removed us. Put us in it. Sorry. It's okay.

Speaker 3: No, just medicating them. What I'm doing, I'll be out in a minute

Speaker 2: so get them, go to the um, preschool, explain the diagnosis and they will help you through the process. I'm Melissa if you have any other questions about that, you can ask me if I'm not sure, Matt knows I have messaged him in the past saying what do I do So we will help you with that because that is a new process for you. Now I want to thank all of you for watching. I have very special news. Let me pull up the exact wording because this is new to me, but we have a new rewards program so you can join our Kickstarter VIP rewards list and get a LakiKid write and chill weighted lap pad for up to 55% OFF. This is the write and chill. Remember I showed you earlier water pen. You can draw on it. If you join our Kickstarter, um, VIP reward list, which I will have Jason or Miguel right in the comments and I will also post it in group today.

Speaker 2: If you join our reward program, I'm going to tell you, once you put your email down to join our Kickstarter rewards program list, you will be able to enter a giveaway to win a free write and chill weighted lap pad. Cool. So if you join our VIP list, yes, you can get a chance to win a free lap pad. The link will be writeable. Now you know me, you know my love of special codes. There is a section in there where it says, um, what the secret word is. I can't remember the exact writing I wrote. We wrote the giveaway two weeks ago, but you know me and my phrase, secret phrase, the secret phrase is my lakikid . Two words, my and then L. A. K.I. K. I. D. If you do that, you get one extra free points. So thank you all for watching. I'm thank you Matt for coming. I know it's been a long couple of days for you and you're tired.

Speaker 3: I'm old. I'm a little tired. Thanks for having me, Jen. I appreciate it.

Speaker 2: But thank you all for joining us live. You can join me every Monday, live at 1:00 PM Eastern for more tips. If you enjoy today's video, you can subscribe to our live show by typing thigh in the comment section. Now. Um, and if you are watching on youtube, you can subscribe by hitting the subscribe button and hit the bell notification button. And remember, you can always join our parent's support group at parent and you can go to ask to leave a question for me to be answered on an upcoming show. Until next time, thanks for watching and remember, every child brings good luck.

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