
So what happens if a child does not speak? Plain and simple - he can’t get his needs and wants met well. We will discuss why speech is a vital part of life and different important milestones that you should know to see if your child is on track. Plus, we will have in-depth discussion on the ABA therapy and what you can do at home to help your child.

"Ask An Autism Mom" Live Show on Speech & ABA

  • Week 1: What Is Speech?
  • Week 2: What Is ABA?
  • Week 3: Teaching Speech At Home
  • Week 4: ABA In Depth

Episode Highlights:

✔️Importance of speech
✔️Importance of communication
✔️Milestones for speech
✔️What do i do if they miss speech milestones


Speaker 1: I'm Jen Eggert of Lakikid's ask an autism mom and you can join me every Thursday at 7:00 PM Eastern to meet other parents, learn tips, tricks, and listen to the advice of some of our amazing experts we have on our show. I can't wait to dive into tonight's topic with you. We are actually talking about the importance of speech and communication. We have Gelina with us. I am so excited to talk to her. But first a quick message from our sponsor. as you can see this week we are discussing again the marble maze. This thing guys, I'm not joking when I say it is one of the most affordable, compact, calming tools that you can own. It folds up real small. It's very affordable. You can take it anywhere. It is silent. It is nice and soft for those sensory seekers. It is amazing. So check it out on our Lakikid website. Okay. Now back to the show. I am so excited. Like I said, Jelena is joining us today to talk about speech and communication. Welcome.

Speaker 2: Oh, thank you. Thank you, Jen. Hi everyone. Hi.

Speaker 1: So Jelena why don't you tell me about yourself and what you, what brought you to speech in the passion you have for speech and language

Speaker 2: Okay. So just, just to, okay. My name is Jelena Wolinsky and I'm a speech pathologist for almost 20 years now. I love kids. That's how it all started. And, so my specialty is pediatrics. I focus with, you know, zero to five population and with newborns it's feeding and older. It's various, delays disorders and general developmental stuff. They experienced that I've had, has been working with numerous early intervention agencies, in New York. This is where, most of most of my work is. And, I'm a top evaluator for about four agencies. And for the past decade, my focus has been evaluating kids. So I actually go into the home and I evaluate a child and I decide if there is an issue, in fact happening there, is there a problem and then I, whether I either recommend or do not recommend therapy for the child. So I've seen, probably close to 10,000 children at this point in my career. So, with, usually within five to 10 minutes I could tell what's going on. So I'm hoping I can help you through some of my experience.

Speaker 1: Wonderful. Thank you so much, Jelena. At first I want to get into, and this is something that a lot of people don't understand the importance of speech. I mean, it has value. Can we talk about that

Speaker 2: Oh, absolutely. so basically what happens if the child does not speak Let's look at it from this, edge, plain and simple. The child can get his needs and wants met. Well, right so why don't we use the example of a boy named Maddie, who is a toddler and who has no words that way. Some of you can, can relate to it. by the way, can you guys drop in the chat Who has no words here Whoever's listening, I'd love to know who is struggling here and whose children are not speaking. Let me know. so back to Maddie. If Maddie can not speak, he can't explain his emotions well, right So he'll cry for everything instead of words. And then you as the mom, you need to guess what is happening. You have, you hand him things, you wait for protest or you wait for acceptance. And what if you want something that's not next to you then Maddie's really stuck and you're stuck feeling helpless next to a crying child. So this is definitely very frustrating for both the parent and for Mattie. Is anybody in these shoes Can you guys let me know, just drop it in the chat

Speaker 1: so any of you, and I know some of you waiting or some of you watching do have some problems. Jennifer, I see your hand is up. Jennifer Robinson, you are struggling with speaking. I know Jason is putting it out there. Guys, his three-year-old is struggling. She's non verbal. No words at seven years old for a free to Haines.

Speaker 3: Okay.

Speaker 2: Okay. Hi Freedia

Speaker 2: and hi Amy, Amber. Hi Jennifer. I'll answer some of your questions. Let's just go through some of the basics. Okay Okay. So, basically what else is happening if the child is not speaking back to Maddie, if Maddie does not speak, he obviously can't say and miss you. I love you. Write the words we want to hear from our children. Maddie, social relationships with other kids suffer. Maddie can't say, I want to play with you. what else happens Maddie can't use a variety of verbs. Like go to ask to go outside or sit when he wants to read a book with mommy or bathe if he wants to take a bath. so you can't really request the routine activities. Hence the importance of speech, right Guys Maddy can not use routine words like more to ask for more. So how do you really know you get, he can't ask for help.

Speaker 2: Can't say help. He can't say thank you. He can't say he can request to open something. So he'll wind, he'll cry. You're getting old. You're getting a lot of crying. That's there. That's how they're communicating. They're not speaking. Maddie will won't be able to ask questions so he can't get answers to what he wants to know. it's not possible to have a back and forth conversation with Maddie a lot of the time. So Maddie spends time by himself. So this affects his social development. Right. Maddie can't express that he's tired or wants to go outside. Again, whining, crying with time. This whining and crying turns into behavioral issues, which of the children are experiencing, I'm sure. when family members in the household talk about yesterday's. So tomorrow's events, he can't be involved in family discussions. So yes, speech is super important.

Speaker 1: I remember my personal experience with speech was my 18 month old screaming because she couldn't get it out. Yeah. Just she didn't know. So everyone called her the screamer and we didn't really know why until about a month or two later, she finally, I got her doctor's appointment and that's when we looked at the chances of it being autism, which of course it was, but I mean, folks, you know, your kids and I, Julian, I'm just, I'm seeing in the comments, lots more families saying that their children are nonverbal. Limited. Verbal 12 and 14 year old, eight year old.

Speaker 2: I see. Hi Rosie. Hi Jessica Freedia. Michelle, Amber Beth. Yes, it's, it's difficult what you, what you guys are facing right now. And it's, it's frustrating.

Speaker 1: It's extremely frustrating. It, and let's kind of, I mean we just talked about the importance of speech. Let's talk about communication and how important it is for little Maddie to be able to communicate with his mom, with his teachers.

Speaker 2: Sure. So, I mean, communication has two forms, right Some of you know this, it's called verbal and nonverbal. So making sounds crying. Exclaiming using words, that's a verbal stuff. The things that you actually have to produce with your mouth. Now the nonverbal stuff is the pointing. It's the pulling mom. It's the shaking of the head for no, it's the nodding. That's the nonverbal communication. So every child has some form of communication with the earliest form of it. You probably know this, but it down. If you know this one. What's the earliest form of communication Let me see. Darting from when you're born literally coming up. Yes. And it's communication. So as the child cries, mom is trying to figure out, okay, what does he want to see on this This year.

Speaker 1: I just never thought of that.

Speaker 2: Yes, Jennifer cry. So then the child learns to reach and point and pull. The nonverbal stuff adds on, right In addition to crying. And then you have the babbling, which is verbal. And then you have the jibberish, which is advanced verbal. And then after that, words come in. Typically jibberish comes in before words. So back to our example of Maddie who has no words, right So how is he communicating He's using nonverbal communication. He's pointing, he's pulling mom to what he wants. and it's not very efficient, right Because he can't really explain everything he wants. A lot of your children are experiencing this. they're pointing, they're pulling you. And what if things are out of their reach or the things want are outside the house. So what's going to happen if they can't really point to it They'll cry. So there's your 18 month old reason for crying.

Speaker 2: Crying gets worse and worse, and there's a lot more they want to express. The older they get and a lot more is exactly outside of, out of their reach. There's a lot more happening, especially when they start walking. So, temper tantrum start and behavioral issues start if they're nonverbal, communication is not really getting them what they want. additionally self esteem suffers because if they, if the child sees other, other kids getting, say if the child is in daycare already and they're not really communicating, that's a, their self esteem suffers because the other kids get what they want, they ask for them and he can't. So he feels like, okay, others are getting things they want. I'm not, maybe something is wrong with me. Also if Maddie's not communicating effectively with words, he'll have a hard time making friends at his daycare and then his pre-K. So there you go into the social isolation, situation, which is frustrating for the child. And again, behavioral issues get even worse at that point. So I get a lot of kids biting and hitting at that age in school, in pre-K and evaluations start at that point even if they didn't start before. so yeah, that's the, that's the importance of communication.

Speaker 1: And there are, I just want to kind of, we didn't really touch on this yet, but I want to say there are other forms of communication other than verbal and nonverbal. I mean their sign language there is PEX there and those are all considered forms of communication, correct

Speaker 2: Yes, correct.

Speaker 1: I know some of our families use PEX. I know some use, the speech procure I think it's called.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Sign language is definitely helpful too to learn. Not everyone, not everyone has access to it, but you can learn some things literally online, just basic lines and that's definitely a way to communicate. and PAX is, is great for, for a lot of children that have difficulty even with their, with their hands, they could just press, they could, you know, hold things. It's definitely a way to communicate as well. Yes.

Speaker 1: And it really, especially with younger children, I find that they take to it quicker than even someone's speech. I mean, Riley was given all three forms and she took the sign language. We had the little app we would turn on and it was kids songs to sign language and she would sit there. And then one day, all of a sudden she turns it on. She says beside her brand new puppy. And I hear a voice and I look over and I'm like, wait, no one's in the room. But Riley, she doesn't talk. I have other loft. And he goes, who's talking I'm like, we both love video of us both in awe of this child talking in this puppy who doesn't talk and she's singing.

Speaker 5: Wow. Okay.

Speaker 1: And even now at eight years old, she prefers to sing rather than talk. But it's communication. It is communication. And it's advanced because she has to put these words together in a funny way to make it work.

Speaker 5: Yep.

Speaker 1: So let's talk about, the milestones for speech and where our children should be. Because I know some of us sit here going, well, I don't know where my two year olds should be at. Should my two year old be at 20 words or 200 words

Speaker 2: Sure. Let's go through that. Okay. So typical milestones by 12 months of age, you expect babbling. Okay, so my mama, bah dah, dah, dah, hahaha, sounds like that. by 18 months, average typically developing child has about 15 words and they usually have six basic consonants. The six basic consonants are Mo and the nasal sounds, the bow and the puck. They're called plosives and D. And so those are the first ones that typically come in. Every child is different obviously. So others may be there, in addition or instead of, but that's what the typical child has. By 24 months, you're, you want to hear 50 words minimum, and 24 months. Two word combinations start. So remember, this is average. Typical. So you'll have children combining two words together before two or way after two. There's a wide range of what is normal, okay But this is just average at two and a half years old. You want to hear some phrases, three-word combinations. Some children already do have sentences. So five word combinations. And by three years old, a conversational speech is expected. So easy dialogue. Mommy, come here. Sit down. You know, I want some bread, and they're able to respond, to your questions. They understand you and they can reply correctly by using sentences. So, yeah, by three years old,

Speaker 1: perfect. Now what would I do if Riley, say, Riley, we're back at 18 months again. What would I do to help her Because I've seen she's missing speech milestones.

Speaker 2: So if she's 18 months and she has no words, yes. Okay. So you would basically start, you backtrack all the way to the beginning. and first of all, I mean, I'd like to assess the child to really see what they're able to do and then work with that. So in other words, some children do babble or make some kind of sounds at 18 months, even though they're not speaking, right. So you'll, you'll hear men, men, men, men or or ha ha, ha, but no words. So the therapist typically works, or mom at this point, if there is no therapist can work on whatever the sound's child already has. So it's important to catch the child while they're producing their amendment. Not even though, say they're playing with their toy, whatever. I'm holding a phone and there are men than men that, so get in front of their face and literally go my my mat.

Speaker 2: So this is called mother Reece. Get them imitate what they're saying. This is how you stimulate the child's attention and their hope. They're looking at you cause you just repeated what they did. If you got their attention, you could introduce another sounds. So when you, you have imitated my mama after them and then you can add another one. But look what I'm doing. You could bring your attention, the child's attention to your mouth by pointing at your chin like this with your finger. so you basically build on the sounds the child already has. Okay. That's really the most important one. Then then you can add nuance. I will go, a little bit towards the end. I'll go into specific exercises, how to stimulate basic sounds. Okay.

Speaker 1: now we have a minute. So I want to jump over to the chat section. If you have any questions for us, please put them down. Now while we're waiting for the four questions, let's go back to you

Speaker 2: to answer questions right now or go into explaining how to stimulate vowel and consonant sounds cause that. Okay.

Speaker 1: give me two seconds to answer this question. Amber, about my son is nonverbal. I have two kids in speech therapy since they were two years old because they were also nonverbal. Amber, you've done this, you know, you can keep doing this. Amber has been with us from the beginning pretty much. Amber, let's post it in group chat or in the Facebook group chat. And what I'll do is I'll actually go in later and I will tag Jalina so that you Angelina can have a private conversation.

Speaker 2: Sure, absolutely.

Speaker 1: well Julia wants to help you guys figure out if you need where the next step is kind of, cause there's so many people saying, do this, do this, do this. You have to look at what's most important for your child.

Speaker 2: if anyone wants up a private 30 minute consult, our company talker Academy's offering them right now. So drop in the chat, want free consult and we'll get back to each one of you to offer you that.

Speaker 1: And guys, what we'll do is at the end of the show, Jason will actually post the links like we always do so that you'll see the Taqueria Academy and you can kind of check out what they do is Julene and Jennifer together. You'll meet Jennifer next week and we'll kind of go into what they have and what they're offering and how you guys can get a free, I was going to say referral free console. Sorry. It's been a long day. Okay. Jolene, do you want to talk to us about how we can start getting no sounds and things.

Speaker 2: Okay. So you guys, first thing that you could try to do is get them to exhale, inhale and exhale, in a more controlled way. So we don't even realize, but we all talk on exhalation, right So this is, we don't even think about it, but in order to speak verbal for verbal communication, you do that on excalation. So as an example, I'm going to do it right now. Inhale. And then I speak as I'm exhaling, right So the child needs to be able to control that exhale. So that blowing is one of the exercises to get that going. And I'm going to show you one exercise you could do with your kids. Just take up piece of paper or read forth a little piece, cut it into this, rip it into a few more pieces, put it in the Palm of your hand, and then you could announce a blowing game.

Speaker 2: So Maddie, let's play a blowing game. Look what we're going to do. And then you accentuate this and then you blow your exhale, right That's your exhalation. And then you put the papers back on your hand and you offer that your hand to the child. Tell them now you do that. And then you show it again. Okay You take a breath, do it slowly so they see what you're doing and then you, you blow it off. So that's the first very, very basic exercise that can be done on a daily basis. Okay You could blow papers to each other, you could blow cotton balls to each other. I could be, it could be just a game. But really what you're practicing is control of inhalation, exhalation. So that's number one. Step number two, the next level up is working on open mouth sounds. Vowels. Okay. They, if they're not speaking, this is what, going back to the beginning, what do babies do Vowels. Oh, cooling, right So how to emulate that. You say, let's play singing games. We're going to sing today. This is how we're going to do it. And add clapping into it like this

Speaker 2: and you'll get their attention again, even if you're silly, don't worry about it.

Speaker 2: you can go through the whole scale, do whatever you want. So that's that. now you could do, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh the open mouth sound right I'll show you a game with that. Give me a second.

Speaker 1: And most kids love this. Oh sound Because they realize what it means and it becomes the game. I drop it. Oh,

Speaker 2: and you got their attention. So take any object. I'm just gonna use a pen for today's purposes. And you drop it and then you go, Oh, and then you pick it up again and you repeat it as many times as the child is paying attention to you. Okay. Accentuated in other words, bring their attention to it. Oh, do it slowly. Okay. Do it many, many times. Then give the object to your child, see if they'll do the same. See if they'll copy that. Oh, you could do the E, which is also an open mouth sound. So we could do a, a police car.

Speaker 2: so Lou, really games with open mouth sounds okay. any open sounds open mouth sounds are fine. Come up with your own. make it fun. Be silly and see if the child even attempts to copy you. If they open their mouth, even as you're doing the E and they're going, but no sounds come out, praise them. It's very, very important. If you see any attempt to even look at you praise and tell him good looking, great job. You're looking at me. If they attempted, but they're completely off. Say you're doing an E E and they're doing a say grade trying. So you definitely praise. You never say, Oh, don't do that. That's wrong. Do this. Okay, I'm

Speaker 1: gonna shut back down folks. And that's exactly what join is. Jolena wants him to keep open to every thing out there.

Speaker 2: Wait, don't hear you. I lost you.

Speaker 5: Oh, can you hear me

Speaker 1: Okay Can anyone else not hear me

Speaker 2: Do you hear me I hear me guys, can you, can you write down in the chat if you hear me So I'll continue until Jen figures out. her audio. Do you guys hear me But in the chat

Speaker 2: Okay. Jason hears me. Jennifer hears me. Okay, good. So until, until Jen figures it out, let me tell you the next step. Okay So first one is inhalation. Exhalation control. Remember the game Okay. Cotton balls and pieces of paper. Second activities, vowel. So any singing games with up all, Ooh, E I, those, those types of sounds. Okay. Third step. The one above that is consonance. So the six continents that you work on, remember I mentioned them before, ma No nasal. That's nasal stuff. Ma no, write it down. Okay. Then you have book per book that's plosive. So air forms in your mouth, pressure. And then, and then you have the, the fifth and the sixth R, D. And so those sounds are the early words that kids get, right The mum, mine, the dead died and the high and the buy and the Bubba.

Speaker 2: None enough of banana. Those are the early sounds. how to, how to stimulate them. For example, how do you teach the word the word high It's a simple, simple, high, simple, early word. I'll give you one game. put five or six toys, fuzzy animals, toys, in the child's bedroom. And each time you come into the room with the child, say hi to each of the animals. Hi bear. Hi bunny. And wave and see if the child copies the waving and you could bring their attention to your mouth. Again, look, Maddie, we're saying hi. Hi bear. Hi baby. Hi Foxy. And that's how you could, you could stimulate the, okay. In other way to stimulate it is literally take your hand, take note, take the child's hand, and then say right next to your hand, and like next to the child's hand like this. As you're doing that, they'll feel your breath on their hand. this could prompt them. First of all, they'll that'll get their attention. And second of all, maybe they'll attempt to do the same. So you can then offer them your hand and see you try that. You go,

Speaker 2: okay, you can actually do that with a lot of sounds. especially like book, you could definitely do that with. So try that on your hand now. But, and as you producing these sounds, air hits the hands, so that will get the child's attention. And then you can give them then your hand and you could ask them, why didn't you do the same You do.

Speaker 2: Okay. You can do the same thing. So, how do you stimulate Bo in another way Why don't we stimulate it with the buy So the same six animals in the child's bedroom, each time you leaving the room. So this is a daily exercise. Say bye to these animals. Okay. Together with the child, if you can hold the child or you're holding the child's hand, I'm not either way by bunny. And then you could point to who you're saying buying to buy Foxy by baby. Okay. So this is how you would be a stimulating the book sound. Remember, please. Repetition is key. So in order for the child to start speaking, they need to hear the word in the same context hundreds of times. Yes. For some children it'll be 10 to 20 times until they repeat for others. Hundreds. Okay But it has to be in the right context. You can't just like play with a pen and say bye or, you know, play with a piece of paper and say, buy. There is no context in it. So context is important. Saying words in the right situation. Okay. I think Jen is trying to connect with us, but, let's, let's answer some questions now. Okay. Let me go.

Speaker 2: Okay. Can you hear me Jen, I don't hear you. Don't hear me No, I don't hear you. But,

Speaker 3: sure.

Speaker 2: Okay. Okay. Back to answering questions. Let me scroll to the beginning of the chat and I'm going to start with the beginning. for us. So for nonverbal kids, you would be starting with the first step, the inhalation, inhalation control, any blowing activities, bubbles is great. Okay. So if you have bubbles, you can order bubbles on, on Amazon, it gets their attention and you show him what you're doing. Then you offer them to do the same. If they cannot do that, you keep on trying, don't give up, but you move on to the next step with the vowels right after the vowels. That's the next, the six continents. Okay. Going down and questions guys put in your questions into the chat. I'll try to get to, I will get to each question if not today and we'll come back to this chat and I will answer.

Speaker 2: Can you hear me Rosie Clement. my two year old son is going into speech therapy for four years, but I don't see much progress. What do I need to change In order for me to answer that question I need to know, unless you drop it in the comments right now, what is he able to do does he have nonverbal communication Is he pointing is he babbling Is he producing any sounds is he vocalizing in any way Are you getting, Ooh. E can you drop that in the comments now Rosie

Speaker 2: Okay. I'm not getting an answer from Rosie, but, basically if you're in, if your child is in the same shoes, follow the steps. Okay. The, inhalation, exhalation control activities, then bowel work, open mouth sounds. Singing games. Okay. And then the continents. So the book and the PO and, and hi and bye and repetition, repetition, repetition and praising. let's see. Next question. Angela saying, handing my kids a pen or anything is asking for trouble. Yeah. So this, I just use this as an example. Don't use a pen. Use any thing that they have next to the next to you. It could be something small, something soft. you know, a bear. And then you pick up the bear. And you drop it and you go, Oh. Oh, okay. Next question. Jessica. Any tips to help with reading words so reading is not my specialty because I specialize with kids up until five years of age. but I can't get back to you on this. I will do some research and get back to you, Jessica. OK. next question. Jennifer Robinson. My daughter is nonverbal, but she has sounds not words. Jennifer Robinson. What sounds does she have I need to know that in order to help you build on the sounds.

Speaker 1: Okay. what we're going to do is we're just going to take her off guys, Juliana, we'll be right back. I promise. We, are having some technical issues for some odd reason tonight. So give me one minute. I am trying to bring Jalina back. We will not stop the show until we have to or we get her back. And if that happens then I will work out something. Guys, you know me, she'll come back to the group chat and work it out if she can not get it to work. So sorry, I paid attention. It looks like I'm paying attention to my phone. I'm not, I'm trying to fix the show for you guys. You should know me. I don't like changes in plans. I'm like Riley, so I'm a little kid. What am I going to do But it looks like we can't bring Jolena back tonight unfortunately. I wanted her to talk about what she has coming up and what she's working on her and Jennifer who is also in our chat, have something called talker Rue Academy. Jennifer is an ABA where we both know Jalina there she is. Can you hear us

Speaker 2: Yes, I can hear you. I'm not sure how I was saying you guys heard

Speaker 1: actually her both of us. You're the only one who couldn't hear me. Everyone heard everything but me. Okay. As long as they heard. So I just want to go back up to some of the questions to catch up real quick. Reilly Eggert hi mommy. I love you. I love you too dear. Are you doing your homework as you can see guys, and I say it all the time, even something as simple as teaching. My daughter, how to communicate through messenger because I know kids who only talk through messenger and text messages, it's, that's the communication that they do. And you look at the way they write and they write better than most grown adults.

Speaker 2: Absolutely. Yeah. I have three teenagers and that's somehow sometimes they communicate. Two of them will sit across the table today in the morning having breakfast and both on their phones.

Speaker 1: Oh no, my son do it. That's how they are having father-son talks and like seriously since we need a father, son talk, come to texting across the room and your world or my husband will be like one minute texting mode. I'm like, what are you doing He goes, one sec, two minutes later we get drinks and I'm like, Oh maybe it's not so bad. Jennifer Robinson, I'm not sure if you caught her Jolene, I just want to make sure, I think you caught that one. Non verbal has sounds

Speaker 2: okay. So Jennifer Robinson, your baby's babbling. Can you give me the sounds The baby's babbling with this is very important because that's what you build on, if you could tell is that my mama BA Poppa dead, dead death

Speaker 1: seemed like Jack his very first sound and he continues his bow book bow everything was booked.

Speaker 2: So once you have the sound book, you could build on that. For example, you could build to a word Bubba, which stands for bottle. Basically add another sound to the sound that the child already has. You don't start with new sounds. How do you,

Speaker 1: I really wanted to say it was ball. That's all he cared about.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Yeah. So you would add words that sounds similar to that particular word and that's how you grow your vocabulary. but if so if you want to elicit that Bubba, you basically need to have the bottle next to you frequently and name it. Oh look, Baba and bring their attention here, Bubba. So first you figure out which sound, then you add another sound. See if there is a word that actually means something. And then you stimulate that by repeating it a lot. A lot, a lot, a lot in the right context. So you believe in hold it next to your mouth, the object that you're naming and as the child is reaching toward that object, right They want it peripherally. They'll look at your mouth, so you'll go look, Baba Baba, they're still reaching here, but they're seeing your mouth. When they're ready, they're going to copy you. Okay. But at least they're forming the association between the word and the object, which is super important. It comes in first before the child says Baba,

Speaker 1: and another thing is in it. We kind of hit on it when we were talking about this is becoming people's main source of communication nowadays. One of the things that I did differently than most people I have met when Riley was little was the minute they said, yes, I think it's autism. I got one of those baby wearing devices. I put her in it and I said, I'm going to talk until I drive you crazy. And I did. Everything got explained. Yes, look, there's a dog, there's a tree, there's mommy's making snack. It, if you immerse your child, it's not just languages, not just something you can pick and choose when you're going to use it is a complete over your entire life. You have to communicate. I mean, if you don't, we'll be like little Maddie sitting alone, isolated and upset.

Speaker 2: So I can go over some other games and activities that mom could do at home with the child. If we have time,

Speaker 1: we can do one game.

Speaker 2: Oh, so, so this game is part of the whole idea of involving your child into daily activities, into your daily chores in order to teach them language. So if you're doing laundry, literally the child is doing it with you. You are taking socks and shirts out of the, out of the dryer and you're naming them, Oh look, suck. Ooh, shirt and pants. And then you involve the child into categorizing. Let's put daddy stuff here, mommy stuff here. Or you could categorize, categorize, you know, this sock goes with that sock that's you know, shirts go here and you name the items as the child is touching them. Bring the items again to your mouth. As the child is looking at the item, they're looking at you. So the, the associations between words and objects form this way. involve them into washing dishes with you. Put them in front of you on the chair, over the sink. You know your hands over over their hands. Wash that cup as you're saying it. Look, cup washing, cup, touch that water. Water. Ooh, wet. So you labeling everything using simple, simple language. Preferably one word at a time. If the child is not speaking yet. So water, whew. Cup. Do a lot of exclamations. Okay. So because they're simple to imitate. Oh wow. And Oh, Oh and

Speaker 2: Oh and so on. That's usually comes in first in terms of imitation. what other activities I mean, anything you do involve the child, you cleaning the house, you're using the mop, you do the mop, you hold it, name everything and involve the child in every daily chore. So instead of you doing it and they're sitting in the corner playing with Legos, you involve them. So they're helping, they're learning and they're learning to speak all at the same time. Even if they're not repeating what you're doing, what you're saying. Don't worry. They're learning words. It's receptive language building. Okay. They're connecting. Oh, this word goes with this object. So this is super, super important.

Speaker 1: Thank you so much Jolene. And now, unfortunately we are at the end of our time. I let us go a little bit late because we had some issues and I really wanted to deal with everything. But before we say goodbye, I'm like I was telling people when we were waiting for you to come on, you got a lot of exciting things coming up. You and Jennifer, I kind of alluded to who Jennifer was and she'd be with us next week once you let us know what you two are up to.

Speaker 2: Okay. So I'm, Jennifer is a special educator and we opened talker Academy about a year ago. because we're collaborating and we're doing a holistic approach with treating the child. So it's not just speech and language development, but it's cognition and it's sensory and it's play and it's behavioral stuff. So we're trying to target, you know, help the child in every way. So this is from both of our specialties. this is how we, we found this perfect holistic solution. And so right now we're running two online programs, for moms with toddlers. basically the first one is do it yourself program. We send you specific videos, that we've put together from the very beginning to what you start with and moving on and making it harder and harder and harder. and, we actually have cartoons that we've developed over the past year.

Speaker 2: We've worked with an animator and a singer and a composer. And these cartoons are three minutes long and they focus on one target word at a time. So for example, if the cartoon is booboo, then you'll have, you know, characters saying booboo about 50 to a hundred times during the cartoon. So again, that bombardment is that repetition that helps the child link the word with what it means and hopefully they repeat. So we've had actually a lot of success with, with kids starting to repeat while watching our videos and cartoons. We just ran a few, beta groups, meaning test groups where children, have been, improving and progressing. So we're super happy. so this is one program. Second program is, it's called do it with a therapist. So basically we guide you along the way. It's a month long program.

Speaker 2: We're starting that in June. drop in the chat. If you're interested to talk to us, we could tell you about our programs. Just put interested in programs in the chat and we'll contact you, or if you want that free 30 minute consult, we're doing those as well. during this time in quarantine, you just want to give a lot of stuff for free, just to get the community going. also we're running a zoom classes, free zoom classes for the month of may. if you want to participate in that with your child, toddler on your lap, literally it's about 30 minutes every Tuesday, four o'clock Eastern standard time, dropping the chat. Want zoom classes and we'll, we'll sign you up. but, so yeah, this and a lot, we're giving out eBooks for free. join our Facebook group. It's called talker Academy, T a T a L K a R O Tucker Academy, Facebook group. and we can discuss any and all questions you have in there as well as on here.

Speaker 1: Okay. Now I just am going through making sure I'm not missing anything. You know how I am guys Jason just posted the link for our Facebook group. I will have a photographer Academy, sorry,

Speaker 1: that is the only for taco Academy. So you guys can join and actually sit down with Jennifer Angelina and talk about your concerns. Again guys, if you have questions or concerns, even if you are watching this on a replay, if you're catching this on a replay, please, if you have questions, concerns, write them in the comments section. Jalina has kindly offered to come back and look at your comments later. I know some of you are busy, you're working, you're, it's dinnertime for many of you. So when you have time, come back, ask your questions and we will make sure that Jalina gets them. And again, if you want any advice from her, if you want to do your free 30 minute consult talk Ru Academy or the, sorry you just said it to me for the first time working with the therapist online.

Speaker 2: Yeah, so it's the two programs do it yourself or do it with the therapist, two online programs that we're currently running and the free zoom classes for the month of may. So those are all options you could drop into the chat, whichever one, you want to learn more about.

Speaker 1: If you want to learn about all of them, just put talker Rue in big letters like Jennifer did right there. That would be the easiest way if you are interested in all of their things Pathak Ru Academy because that way I think most of the parents that are going to be interested in one thing, I think we kind of look and we're like, Oh, but that ties to this, which ties to this. I might as well just do it all.

Speaker 2: Yes. I mean, we were originally doing live events before Corona. So now we're just bringing all of this content to you guys online. because it's such a difficult time right now getting therapists and, and, and getting kids to go anywhere, right So, we're hoping you could benefit from, from what we can help you with.

Speaker 1: Great. Well Juliana, thank you so much for joining us. it was great to have you here. I can't wait. You will actually be back with us in two weeks or more. Talk about speech next week we will be with your partner, Jennifer talking about ABA. It really ties well together guys, how the two of them have made this whole top row Academy, which is more than just a show. It's more than just a class a therapist is so much in, is all the combination of both of their passion. And when you meet Jennifer next week, you'll understand she's excited. One in the comments section. These ladies are wonderful guys. They're really outgoing and they really want what's best for the children, which is in this day and age you don't know who wants what's best for your children. So I'm telling you guys, these ladies are wonderful. I can't wait to meet with Jennifer next week. Angelina again in two weeks. Thank you all for watching Jolena again. Thank you.

Speaker 2: Thank you. It's my pleasure to be here. Jen. Thanks for hosting me and talk her Academy and everyone moms out there. Thank you for listening and virtual hug to all of you and hang in there and I know it's super hard in general when when kids are frustrated and they're not, you know exactly where you want them to be. Plus we have this Corona thing happening around us so I wish for all of you just be safe, be healthy. That's number one and the rest will help you.

Speaker 1: Hi. I just want to say, and I just thought of it during this, if your children is having a hard time with communication and you're finding it even more difficult because of Corona, tell us that because that is an important cue. Are we just having language issues because we have language issues or we have in language issues because we are in a time of great stress and the child can't handle both. I think it's important, Jolene, and I think you'll agree that you have to pinpoint when you lost the language.

Speaker 5: Yeah.

Speaker 1: So thank you all. I love you all. Remember, until next time, empower, support and educate.

Speaker 5: Aye. Aye.

Episode Highlights:

✔️What is ABA?
✔️It has a negative tone for some, can you explain how it's positive?
✔️How do you build goals?
✔️How do you reinforce goals?


Coming soon...

Episode Highlights:

Now that we have a lot of time to spend with our kids at home, we might as well focus on improving their speech. Speech is very important in your child's life, and the best place to improve speech is at home with parents. This week we are sitting down with Jelena to discuss how we can help our children at home work on their speech.

Join Us Live On 5/28/2020 4pm PST/ 7pm EST

Speech & ABA Topic Expert

Jennifer Levin, MS. ED, BCBA, NYS LBA

Jennifer is an educational expert and has been working with toddlers for over 15 years as a Special Education teacher, Behavior Analyst and most recently as a Clinical Director. She creates an educational curriculum for children with Autism, develops behavior treatment plans, supervises and provides ongoing training to ABA therapists, teachers and parents. Jennifer’s expertise in the field of early childhood education is showcased through a premiere educational communication online program which she co-created called “Talkaroo.” Jennifer produces and posts educational/ behavioral/ social development content in the Facebook group “Toddler Talkaroo,” along with having a YouTube channel “Talkaroo Academy.” Jennifer’s intimate knowledge of teaching, behavioral methodologies, down-to-earth style, and powerful message of empowerment to mothers and children have made her a highly sought after professional and educational trainer. Jennifer has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology from Hunter College. She holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education from Touro College. Jennifer uses her passion for teaching to guide parents that have children with limited communication skills in meeting their learning goals. Jennifer is happily married to Gennady Levin and has 2 beautiful teenagers: Benjamin 18 years of age and Jessely 13 years of age.

Jelena Vilensky, M.S. CCC/SLP, TSHH

Jelena Vilensky has been a licensed speech and language pathologist and a certified teacher of speech and hearing handicapped for almost two decades. She has become a top NY evaluator of speech/ language delays and disorders over the past decade and can decipher what causes the child’s speech/language delay/disorder quickly and efficiently. She is a co-founder of “Talkaroo Academy”, a cutting-edge online program, guiding moms how to teach their toddlers to talk. She produces and posts speech/language development videos in the Facebook group “Talkaroo Academy”, along with having a YouTube channel “Talkaroo Academy.” Called on for her expertise in speech and language development, speech and language therapy and professional evaluations, Jelena has trained other evaluators and consulted special educators, occupational and physical therapists on speech and language delays and disorders. Devoted to excellence, Jelena holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Speech and Language Pathology. She also holds a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech Language and Hearing Association. Jelena married Dmitry Vagman in 1998. Jelena and Dmitry have three teenagers, Eric, Sabina and Biana.

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