Like it's class story time and your child is busy staring at the wall, playing with their fingers. For so many kids especially those with Autism, and ADHD, this is a huge struggle. When they are in class with 6 to 20 other students, it becomes even harder. Especially if other students are struggling as well causing more distractions.
How to help your child focus and engage
Posted by Jenn
How to help your child focus and engage?
Do you have that child who struggles to focus and engage in something?
So as a parent or teacher what do you do?
One of the best ways is to try and meet both their sensory needs as well as their educational needs. I have seen Ryleys teacher get creative with her group of 20 kids. One of their favorite activities is sitting in two groups on the floor. The teacher puts a tic-tac-toe board on the wall and assigns one group as X and the other O. She then says a word and students race to write it on their individual white boards. The first team to hit the buzzer then has a student selected to spell the word to the teacher. If they get it correct, they get to select a spot on the board for their letter. It is interactive learning made fun.
Since all children learn differently, being creative in finding what works for each child can be difficult. You can have an identical set of twins that learn very differently and excel and struggle in very different ways. So it becomes the parents’ and teachers’ job to find the best ways to help the child focus on the task at hand and engage in that activity.
If you’re a mom like me, you’ll understand my frustration.
I struggle to get Ryley to focus and engage with us. So I have to get down on her level. Traveling, doctors appointments, meals out, and sports games are all things she loves but also areas where she struggles.
You could imagine my excitement when I recently received LakiKid's newest writable weighted lap pad.
It is a lap pad unlike any we have ever seen before. How do I describe this amazing and unique lap pad? Jason really outdid himself with this one. It is made with tiny glass beads (that are very secure inside the lap pad) which give a smoother more even sensory experience. Then we get to the fabric. It is easy to wipe clean which is a win for me, as we don't have to deal with meltdowns waiting for hers to wash and dry.
The fabric is white and comes with a water pen. When you use the water pen you are surprised to see a rainbow of color underneath. When it dries it turns white again. But the best part is that she can draw and write on both sides to her heart's content. I actually started using it to help her practice her spelling words. I give her the word and she writes it on her lap pad. She is getting sensory input while learning. And the best part is she loves it.
Remember, not every child has the same sensory and educational needs.
But with a bit of work you can make it work, and the new Write and Chill lap pad makes it so much easier. Ryley can use it almost anywhere and it keeps her entertained and gives the sensory experience she really needs. So don't give up just keep trying until you find what works best for your child as every child deserves the best.
Learn more about LakiKid and the new Write and Chill Weighted Lap Pad. You can also go to to leave questions to be answered on an upcoming "Ask An Autism Mom" Facebook live show.