Have you ever read a Temple Grandin book or watched the movie on the story of her life? For many autism parents, she is a huge inspiration. For me, she is an inspiration to everyone with autism especially girls.
Temple Grandin - The Meeting of a Legend
Posted by Jenn Eggert

Temple Grandin - The Meeting of a Legend
Have you ever heard of Temple Grandin?
Temple Grandin is a noted animal expert and advocate for autistic people.
She has a degree in psychology, followed by a masters degree in animal science and a doctoral degree in animal science from multiple schools. I recently had a huge fan moment when I learned that she would be a keynote speaker at a conference I was attending. I was even given the chance to meet her and have her sign my favorite Temple Grandin book.
When Temple Grandin stepped on stage, the entire packed room went silent.
She started by describing her childhood. She explained how her mom refused to see her as different and had high expectations or her as she would of any child. Remember she was born in 1947, so there was very little knowledge of autism back then. She kept talking about how her mom kept pushing her and always knew exactly how to stretch her to just outside of her comfort zone. By stretching her constantly, her mom gave her the tools she needed to be considered one of the most successful people in her field.
Temple Grandin explains how she learned about how to become her own cheerleader. At one point her truck had her design in it to show people and get her name out there in the field she loved so much.
Meeting Temple Grandin opened my mind.
She showed sides of her brain compared to a neurotypical brain and I was shocked at how many parts of her brain were lighting up compared to the other side. Her brain never stops firing.
Then came the best moment of the day, I was able to meet her and she signed my book. She asked me about Ryley and told me as the mom of an autistic girl I have to push harder and advocate more. If you ever have the chance to meet her, you will not regret it.
is a 35-year-old mother of two. Jenn's daughter, Ryley was disagonsed with autism at the age of 4. Jenn is also the host of our weekly Facebook Live show, Ask an Autism Mom.